EGP 10,000,000
Wonder MarQ The Wonder Mark Compound extends over a large area with a few units, which makes obtaining a unit inside the compound a real treasure for those who achieve it, as for the designs, they are charming and elegant that make you feel that you are outside from the outside due to its excessive beauty and sophistication, while the prices of The Wonder Mark are commensurate With the capabilities of the compound and its integrated services in the area of Al Safwa Compound.
The MarQ The MarQ Communities, an affiliate to Address Holding, derived its name from the highly precious and valuable stone, The Marquise. The MarQ saw it fit to name their company this, since they do in fact offer luxurious and precious communities. The MarQ Developments perfect their projects just like diamond is perfected, with a keen eye on detail and sophistication. In MarQ Developments, excellence and luxury are a given, as can be seen in all of their outstanding projects.